Производители / LG
C2600KG190LG-C2500LG-VS840LG260LG272LG855LG8575LS660LS670LS696LS720LS770LS840LS855LS970LS980LS990LX260LX600MS690MS695MS770MS910VM670VM701VS930 4GVS950 4GVX-11000
LG / LS980
HardwarePlatform Vendor: LG Model: LS980 CPU: Krait ScreenSize: 1080x1920 ColorCapable: Yes BitsPerPixel: 24 PixelAspectRatio: 1x1 ImageCapable: Yes ScreenSizeChar: 25x21 StandardFontProportional: Yes OutputCharSet: US-ASCII ISO-8859-1 UTF-8 ISO-10646-UCS-2 InputCharSet: US-ASCII ISO-8859-1 UTF-8 ISO-10646-UCS-2 TextInputCapable: Yes Keyboard: TouchKeypad NumberOfSoftKeys: SoundOutputCapable: Yes VoiceInputCapable: Yes BluetoothProfile: Headset Profile Handsfree Profile Advanced Audio Distribution Profile Audio/Video Remote Control Profile Object Push Profile File Transfer Profile Serial Port Profile Phone Book Access Profile Message Access Profile Human Interface Device Profile Personal Area Networking Profile
SoftwarePlatform AcceptDownloadableSoftware: Yes DownloadableSoftwareSupport: n/a SoftwareNumber: LS980ZVH OSName: Google Android OSVendor: Google / Qualcomm OSVersion: Android 5.0.2 / M8974AAAAANAZM-1 JavaEnabled: Yes JavaPlatform: Android JVMVersion: Dalvik CcppAccept: text/html text/plain application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml application/xhtml+xml text/css application/vnd.oma.drm.message application/vnd.oma.drm.content application/vnd.oma.drm.rights+xml application/vnd.oma.drm.rights+wbxml application/vnd.oma.dd+xml application/smil application/vnd.wap.mms-message application/vnd.wap.mms-generic application/vnd.wap.multipart.mixed application/vnd.wap.multipart.related application/x-pcs-mcd+xml application/sdp image/gif image/jpeg image/jpg image/png image/vnd.wap.wbmp image/x-ms-bmp image/bmp audio/qcelp audio/aac audio/amr audio/imelody audio/mid audio/midi audio/mp3 audio/mp4 audio/mpeg3 audio/mpeg audio/mpg audio/x-mpeg3 audio/x-mpeg audio/x-mpg audio/x-mid audio/x-midi audio/x-mp3 audio/x-ms-wma audio/3gpp video/mpeg4 video/mp4 video/3gpp video/x-ms-wmv application/ogg CcppAccept-Charset: US-ASCII ISO-8859-1 ISO-10646-UCS-2 UTF-8 CcppAccept-Language: Seq: en-us es-us AudioInputEncoder: AMR AAC VideoInputEncoder: MPEG-4 H.264
NetworkCharacteristics SupportedBluetoothVersion: 4.0 SecuritySupport: SSL-3.0 TLS-1.0 SupportedBearers: IS2000/rel0 3GPP_GPRS_IPV4
BrowserUA BrowserName: LG Browser BrowserVersion: AppleWebkit 537.36 FramesCapable: Yes TablesCapable: Yes PreferenceForFrames: Yes DownloadableBrowserApps: n/a JavaAppletEnabled: No JavaScriptEnabled: Yes JavaScriptVersion: V8 HtmlVersion: 4.0.1 XhtmlVersion: xHTML 1.1 xHTML 1.0 xHTML Basic 1.1 XhtmlModules: XHTML 1.0 Strict XHTML 1.0 Transitional XHTML 1.1 XHTML Basic 1.0 XHTML Frameset 1.0
WapCharacteristics WapDeviceClass: n/a WapVersion: n/a DrmClass: ForwardLock CombinedDelivery SeparateDelivery DrmConstraints: count datetime interval WmlVersion: n/a WmlDeckSize:
PushCharacteristics Push-Accept: n/a Push-Accept-Encoding: n/a Push-Accept-AppID: n/a Push-MsgSize: Push-Accept-Charset: n/a Push-Accept-Language: Seq: n/a
MmsCharacteristics MmsMaxMessageSize: 2097152 MmsMaxImageResolution: 1920x1080 MmsCcppAccept: text/plain text/x-vCard text/x-vcard text/x-vCalendar text/x-vcalendar image/jpeg image/gif image/jpg image/png image/bmp image/x-ms-bmp image/vnd.wap.wbmp audio/qcelp audio/aac audio/imelody audio/mid audio/midi audio/mp3 audio/mp4 audio/x-wav audio/amr audio/qcp audio/mpeg audio/x-ms-wma video/3gpp video/mp4 application/ogg application/smil application/vnd.oma.drm.message application/vnd.oma.drm.content application/vnd.wap.mms-message application/vnd.wap.multipart.alternative application/vnd.wap.multipart.mixed application/vnd.wap.multipart.related application/x-pcs-mcd+xml MmsCcppAcceptCharSet: ISO-8859-1 UTF-8 MmsCcppAcceptLanguage: en-us es-us ko zh-TW zh-CN MmsCcppAcceptEncoding: base64 quoted-printable MmsVersion: 1.2
PssCommon PssVersion: 3GPP-R6
SprintExtensions MultimediaPlaybackSupport: Yes MultimediaStreamingSupport: Yes MultimediaEncodingSupport: Yes MultimediaPlayer: StageFright/1.2 NexPlayer MultimediaEncoder: Qualcomm QCamcorder/2.4 MultimediaEncoderDisplaySize: 1920x1080 1280x720 320x240 176x144 MultimediaFileFormatForDecoder: MP4 M4V M4A 3GP 3G2 AAC AMR MIDI MP3 WMA WMV OGG WAV AVI MultimediaFileFormatForEncoder: Mpeg4 AAC MultimediaVideoDisplaySize: 800x480 MultimediaMaximumFrameRateForPlayback: 30fps MultimediaMaximumFrameRateForStreaming: 30fps MultimediaMaximumFrameRateForEncoding: 30fps MultimediaMaximumBitRateForPlayback: 14Mbps MultimediaMaximumBitRateForStreaming: 2Mbps MultimediaMaximumBitRateForEncoding: 10Mbps VideoCodecsForDecoding: MPEG4 H.263 H.264 WMV7/8/9 VC-1 DivX XviD VideoCodecsForEncoding: Mpeg4 H.264 AudioCodecsForDecoding: WMA Vorbis QCELP EVRC AAC AAC+ eAAC+ MP3 AMR-NB AMR-WB MIDI AudioCodecsForEncoding: QCELP AAC AMR PictureMailSupport: No VideoMailSupport: No MobileOriginatedSmsSupport: Yes DataNetworkTypes: IS2000 EVDO DOrA LTE WIFI GLMSClientVendor: AcmeVindor1 GLMSProtocolVersion: 1.0 GLMSClientVersion: 1.1 FMRadioTransmitCapable: No FMRadioReceiveCapable: Yes NavigationKeyPadSupport: n/a SupportedApplications: LG Backup Streaming Player SmartShare Alarm/Clock Task Manager Internet Calendar Call Logs Camera Contact Dialer E-mail Gallery IME Home Live Wallpaper-Picker Lockscreen Messaging Music Memo Settings Startup Wizard Video Editor Videos Voice call Voice Recorder Weather Calculator Task Manager(W) Calendar(W) Music(W) Weather(W) Bookmarks(W) World Clock(W) E-mail(W) Memo(W) Voice Dialer File Manager Photo Album(W) Contacts(W) Dictionary Downloads Update Center VidClip LGDefaultAccount Calendar Sync Contact Sync Google Backup Transport Google Feedback Google Login Service Google Partner Setup GSF(GoogleServiceFramework) Media Uploader NLP(NetworkLocationProvider) Play Store Play Books Gmail Google+ Hangouts (Talk) Maps Play Music Search Voice Search StreetView Talk Play Movies and TV YouTube Photos Config Updater Google Drive ChromeBookmarksSyncAdapter TalkBack FaceUnlock Google Tag QVoice Notebook QMemo Tasks QTranslator Mobile Print Chrome PartnerBookmarksProvider QRemote Google Settings Play Newsstand Cloud Print Accessibility Package VuTalk Wireless Storage Polaris Office Viewer Miracast Direct Beam SmartShare Beam Flashlight(W) LG TTS Text Link Life Square Smart Screen Slide Aside Plug and Pop Clock(W) Tasks(W) Notebook(W) QTranslator-Text Translator Live Wallpaper-Multiphoto Live Wallpaper-Polar Bear Live Wallpaper-Prince Live Wallpaper-Feather Home-Theme (Marshmallow) Home-Theme(Optimus) Google Japanese IME SmartShare Pull SmartShare Push SmartShare Cloud - Public Cloud Box Sprint Zone Sprint ID/PrefAct DSS Sprint Installer(No app in Tray) Sprint Touch Visual Voicemail Smart Device Mgr WiFi Offloader Lumen TotalDeviceMemory: 2G RAM TotalDeviceFlash: 32GB ROM ExternalMemorySlot: No ExternalMemoryMaxSize: AudioJack: 3.5mm Stereo VideoJack: n/a DLNACapable: Yes FrontCameraMegaPixels: 2.1M FrontCameraHighestImageResolution: 1920x1080 FrontCameraZoomCapable: No FrontCameraBuiltInFlash: No FrontCamcorderResolution: 1920x1080 FrontCamcorderZoomCapable: No BackCameraMegaPixels: 13M BackCameraHighestImageResolution: 4160x3120 BackCameraZoomCapable: Yes BackCameraBuiltInFlash: Yes BackCamcorderResolution: 1920x1080 BackCamcorderZoomCapable: Yes DSSClientVersion: SZ_5.4.01
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